My First Martial Art Training Rant
Self-Evolution Self-Evolution

My First Martial Art Training Rant

I reject the notion of qi as being a magic force used to heal or attack others. Martial arts are a physical practice. We have a century of added information on anatomy and the functional mechanics of the human body since the classic texts were penned. When dealing with the classic writings and traditional methods, I accept what is useful, adopting the scientific method to my practice.

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Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage
Self-Evolution Self-Evolution

Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage

The men take to the ice and cross the island. The ninety-hour march is the third impossible journey for Shackleton. Faced with the prospect of freezing to death on a high ridge, they even sled down a mountain, two thousand feet, to safety. But it is not until they use the last of their rope to descend a freezing waterfall, that the men arrive at Stromness and get help.

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