Personal Study of Yang Tai Chi
I don’t want you to be afraid to study on your own, so it is my intent to direct you to the best material and encourage you to practice on your own. According to the good teachers, the ones we call masters and grandmasters, personal practice is the best practice. Today, more so than any time before, you can supplement that personal practice with one-on-one instruction from the best masters of this and the last generation, and in most cases all you need is a connection to the Internet.
Tax the Rich: An Animated Fairytale
Once upon time America built out its infrastructure and everyone contributed to this goal. Now the rich take, and the rest are left to fend for themselves.
Time Enough for Love: Heinlein's Work
Unfortunately for me, I was born about thirty years too soon. The endless parade of science fiction, fantasy, and superhero material available today would be a feast for my preteen and teenage self. For me, midafternoon reruns of Star Trek and Lost in Space, were the extent of SF on television and mass-market paperbacks from authors like Asimov, Clarke, and Heinlein were dug from the bottom of grocery store bookshelves.