Recent Chapters

  • The city of Mada on Rasha


    Wartooth celebrates his victory and solidifies his power in the newly formed Mada when an event from legend changes everything.

  • A Spider Beast from Ora

    Spider Beast

    Arita’s deadly fight for survival with a horrifying new creature as she struggles to escape the treacherous Engaro cult.

  • Interior of the generational ship

    The Daisen

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • An inheritance document


    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

The Fundamentals

A stranded alien must choose between returning his queen to their home world, or saving his human daughter from the invasion that will result.

Novella: Special Correspondent’s Lottery

  • Special Correspondent's Lottery Ticket

    Part 1

    “I am old,” Keith said, as if he had heard Ryan’s thoughts. “I have done my part to save humanity from a dark age that could have descended upon us after the Arabian Impact. Now it is your turn,”

  • Terra Channel Logo

    Part 2

    Ryan trotted in the opposite direction, to one marked Cowboys. After a long piss, he leaned against the north wall of the building admiring the night sky. He looked to the northwest, trying to spot…

  • Mag Lev from Alamogordo

    Part 3

    He had just started The Terra Channel and was wandering through a late-night crowd on Sixth Street when Kitty danced into him, grinding her hips into his. His attraction to her was immediate, and n…

  • Terra Channel Logo

    Part 4

    The captain took Viper by his central pole and pushed him out of the way. “I get enough geekery on my ship,” she said. “But I will give you a sit-down, exclusive of the other EC One reporters when …

  • A night launch from the Space Port


    “EC Whores!” A yell from the darkness behind the stage. A man covered in black clothes and a ski mask ran on stage. A narrow beam of red shot from his hand. It cut up and across the man who won the…

Evacuate: A short story in The Fundamentals Universe